Re-Bundling, WFH, Inflation, Workforce & More Tidbits from Fiber Connect 2022

[The following is a lightly edited @viodi series of tweets from the Tuesday morning general session of the Fiber Broadband Association’s Fiber Connect 2022.]

Re-Bundling Opportunity? #

“People on average are using about 9 video [over-the-top] services,” says @TiVo‘s Kevin Lenhart.1 Although most seem satisfied, there seems to be an undercurrent of those surveyed by TiVo that people are re-creating the bundle.

This points to a potential opportunity for providers to help make it simple for people to watch television. Whether it’s streaming, local, or live, this could mean a re-bundling of sorts; as TiVo calls it “cord-revivers”.

Lenhart says providing an unified content experience with personalization and discovery is a new opportunity for service providers that will reduce churn by three times.

He is showing the results of their tool that predicts churn.

Now, Lenhart & @EPB_Chattanooga‘s Katie Espeseth discuss the importance of choosing good partners and platforms that allow operators to quickly turn up service and adjust to the market.

What’s next?

Lenhart says better video in the connected car.

ISP Perspectives on Video, Partnerships, & Work from Home #

@googlefiber is phasing out linear TV, while @Frontier isn’t going to offer video. @Nex_Tech is still offering a TV product for its members.

In the meantime, @ATT is seeing an average of 400 Gigabytes per month [one show floor anecdote suggests that this number is low compared to what other ISPs are seeing]. @Windstream is finding demand is driving the 2 gig offerings that they have rolled out in some markets.

@Nex_Tech finds that precision agriculture is an important use case for his members.

Side note – there is a great panel on precision agriculture today from 1:30 to 2:30 at Ryman Studios F/G. Here is a preview from the practice session.

Back to the @fiberbroadband panel at hand. paraphrasing some anecdotes from customers.

  • Fiber is as good as indoor plumbing.
  • Gig speeds allow radiologists to look at X-rays at home in their bathrobes.

@googlefiber is proud of their partnerships with nonprofits, STEM programs, and public housing projects to bring broadband and associated benefits to people who wouldn’t otherwise have broadband.

@Nex_Tech describes their efforts to educate by working with other community-based organizations. This has been something they have been doing for decades.

A key takeaway is that the education process is continuous.

@googlefiber says that shallow trenching helps them deploy faster and help get to underserved areas faster than traditional fiber deployment methods.

Challenges #

Some of the current challenges to deployment include workforce & labor shortages. Inflation is starting impactful; e.g., 2x cost increase in the past year for hand holes. Inconsistent management between different government agencies regarding rights of way adds costs and delays.

Stay tuned for a future Viodi article that delves into some of these challenges.

Originally tweeted by Ken Pyle (@viodi) on June 14, 2022.

1 Added 6/24/22 – It is not clear how the 9 services cited by Lenhart reconcile with the recently reported 6.8 OTT average services per home from the Kagan Consumer Insights survey.

Author Ken Pyle, Managing Editor


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