Viodi View – 06/24/22

Whether for the adoption of broadband or autonomous vehicles, “community” is a common theme of the videos and stories captured by Viodi in its recent travels around the U.S. and Canada. A good community is built by leaders, such as Northern Light’s Community Manager, Danielle Hucul. Danielle is reflective of the leadership of Northern Lights, a next-generation independent broadband provider, that is using fiber to the home to physically, virtually, and emotionally connect communities.

Re-Bundling, WFH, Inflation, Workforce & More Tidbits from Fiber Connect 2022

The following is a lightly edited series of tweets from day 2 of the Fiber Broadband Association’s Fiber Connect 2022. Some of the highlights:

  • Unified experiences can create a new type of bundle
  • Large operators are moving away from offering video services, but at least one independent operator still offers video as some of its members still want the convenience of a bundled package.
  • Workforce shortages and inflation are challenges to fiber rollouts.

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A Transformative Moment in Broadband

An overview of the general sessions from the opening day of Fiber Connect 2022 is given in this tweetstorm summary. Highlights include:

  • Fiber Broadband Association’s president and CEO, Gary Bolton, asks the record-setting 3,000 attendees to continue the fiber deployment momentum
  • Access, adoption, and affordability as challenges to broadband uptake are a common thread throughout the opening session.
  • Meta makes a pitch for how local connections will be important for the technical underpinnings of the metaverse.

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Behind the Bot at the IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference

Building on the theme of the upcoming 2022 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference, Joseph Wei describes how a bot with a voice and image synthesized from a human is serving up a promotional message for this year’s conference. Wei, who is the 2022 IEEE GHTC Sponsorship Chair, explains that this technique allows him to tailor the message and its delivery in a way that is most relevant to a given audience.

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SmartDrivingCars On the Road to Trenton & Beyond – Day 1

The following provides a summary of day 1 of the 5th Annual SmartDrivingCars Summit. This was a roving event as it started at Mayor Donnelly Homes, proceeded to Trenton Central H.S., Trenton City Hall, the NJ DOT, West Windsor Senior Center, and finally ended at the township of Princeton. It featured the May Mobility autonomous vehicle and lots of enthusiastic questions from audiences at all the stops.

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SDC Day 3 – From Autonomous Rides to a Traveling Circus

Perhaps for the first time ever on a public road in New Jersey, autonomous rides were given to the general public on June 4th, 2022. This was a great way to launch day 3 of the SmartDrivingCars Summit. Speakers from the public sphere, industry, and academia talked about the challenges and opportunities of the MOVEs initiative, making transportation accessible, and more. The conference ended with an entertaining performance by the Trenton Circus Squad.

Some Tweets and Short Thoughts:

  • It felt like being a celebrity riding in the back of an autonomous vehicle while onlookers awaited your arrival (okay, the vehicle’s arrival). The Trentonian has a good overview of what Trenton MOVES may mean to New Jersey’s capital city.
  • @ajwdct has an insightful article on @helium and its new MOBILE token that may do for 5G what its original token did for IoT communications.
  • About a decade ago, I had the good fortune to meet Matt Mullenweg, the leader of the WordPress movement, for lack of a better title. He is humble, a servant leader, and a street-smart person; really the same characteristics that could describe NCTC members. Read more…

The Korner – Fiber Connect 2022 Insight from the Broadband Ambassadors’ Broadband Ambassador

Matt Polka has been an ambassador for local broadband ambassadors for 25 years in his role as President and CEO of ACA Connects. In our interview at the Fiber Broadband Association’s Fiber Connect 2022, Polka emphasizes the importance of efforts by broadband service providers to help customers understand the value of and unlock the benefits of broadband.

Polka also provides an overview of the Fiber Connect 2022 track that ACA Connects organized, spoke about the upcoming Independent Show in Orlando, introduces his ACA Connects successor, and provides a preview of what “retirement” will look like.

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Author Ken Pyle, Managing Editor


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