Autonomous Vehicles, New Mobility & the Built Environment

Community of Innovation – Chandler, AZ

Thinking of the city as a corporation whereby the council serves as a board of directors, setting strategic direction, and ensuring its vision is implemented by city staff is the philosophy of the city of Chandler, Arizona. In the above interview, councilmember Mark Stewart indicates that a big part of its success is its focus on providing core services, such as water, roads, and parks. that is defined in its charter.  

One of the elements of its brand is innovation. This stems from its founding by Dr. A.J. Chandler in 1912 and his innovative use of irrigation to turn the desert into a town.

Their innovative focus continues today and is split into six categories, community safety, connectivity, economic vitality, neighborhoods, quality of life, and sustainability & technology. The above interview focuses on connectivity, specifically around the movement of Chandler citizens. 

Stewart talks about how they are using micro-transit to cost-effectively provide rides to those who need rides. Autonomous vehicles, from the likes of Waymo, are also making a difference and helping people get around Chandler and now, the larger Phoenix metro area. 

As a pioneering community for commercial autonomous vehicle service, the most remarkable thing is that, according to Stewart, residents don’t even notice the driverless vehicles anymore.

As Professor Kornhauser, the organizer of the 6th Annual SmartDrivingCars Summit where the above interview was filmed, has often stated, AV success will be measured when it becomes part of the everyday fabric as it appears to have become in Chandler.

Author Ken Pyle, Managing Editor

By Ken Pyle, Managing Editor

Ken Pyle is Marketing Director for the Broadband Forum. The mission of this 25+-year-old non-profit “is to unlock the potential for new markets and profitable revenue growth by leveraging new technologies and standards in the home, intelligent small business, and multi-user infrastructure of the broadband network.”

He is also co-founder of Viodi, LLC and Managing Editor of the Viodi View, a publication focused on the rural broadband ecosystem, autonomous vehicles, and electric aviation. He has edited and produced numerous multimedia projects for NTCA, US Telecom and Viodi. Pyle is the producer of Viodi’s Local Content Workshop, the Video Production Crash Course at NAB, as well as ViodiTV. He has been intimately involved in Viodi’s consulting projects and has created processes for clients to use for their PPV and VOD operations, as well authored reports on the independent telco market.

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