Category: Robots

  • The Start of a Journey to Deliver the Last 50 Feet

    The Start of a Journey to Deliver the Last 50 Feet

    A journey of a thousand miles may begin with a single step, but the most difficult part of a package’s journey is the last 50 feet. It is between the delivery truck and a consumer’s residence that is difficult to automate. As seen in the interview above, Vault Robotics, a spinout from the Safe Robotics…

  • A Reimagined Car Experience – From Concept to Delivery

    A Reimagined Car Experience – From Concept to Delivery

    The future of car manufacturing is undergoing a radical transformation, with the entire process being reimagined from design to delivery. The above video with Princeton Professor/Smart Driving Cars’ Alain Kornhauser and Nvidia’s VP of Automotive, Danny Shapiro, explores the key themes discussed in a CES2024 panel, highlighting the exciting possibilities that lie ahead. One of…

  • More Time for Lounging – Thanks to a Cordless Robotic Pool Cleaner #CES2023

    More Time for Lounging – Thanks to a Cordless Robotic Pool Cleaner #CES2023

    Summer is here and, for some of those fortunate enough to have a pool, it means the never-ending battle to keep it clean of bugs, dirt, and other foreign objects. Enter Aiper with its series of cordless, robotic underwater vacuums designed to keep the floors and sides of a pool clean with minimal human effort.…

  • Driverless Work Vehicles that Grab Attention and Things

    Driverless Work Vehicles that Grab Attention and Things

    Autonomous technology, where mobility is a subset, is the vision AppliedEV had on display at CES 2023. With a variety of robot arms and purpose-built, electric chassis, autonomous movement is clearly an important parameter driving the design of their driverless work vehicles. What differentiates the AppliedEV vehicles is that the purpose of the vehicles they…

  • Zoox – Slow and Steady Road to Autonomy – #CES2023

    Zoox – Slow and Steady Road to Autonomy – #CES2023

    The fable goes that the tortoise beat the hare in its race by its slow and steady pace. Slow and steady is the approach that Zoox is taking to achieve safe and sustainable autonomous mobility. In the above interview, filmed at CES2023, Paul Escobar, Senior Public Policy & Safety Strategy Manager for Zoox, describes how…

  • Extending the Shopkeeper’s Reach with an Unattended, All-Wheel Drive Robot #CES2023

    Extending the Shopkeeper’s Reach with an Unattended, All-Wheel Drive Robot #CES2023

    With the introduction of the Ottobot Yeti, Ottonomy is helping shopkeepers, grocery stores, and restaurateurs extend their business into their respective neighborhoods. These modular four-wheel drive electric robots allow for the delivery of goods in snowy and icy conditions that would make it difficult for even the most spry among us to navigate. This latest generation…