CES2021 Wearable & Implantables Wireless

The Face Mask That Connects the Ears & Mouth #CES2021

MaskFone, a combination face mask, and Bluetooth microphone and earbuds will be available at some Target stores and on Amazon in late January, according to Binatone. With replaceable medical-grade filters (PM2.5 or N95/FFP2), a fit that allows glasses to sit on top of the mask to prevent steaming, and comfortable, washable Twill fabric, the MASKFONE […]

Autonomous Vehicles, New Mobility & the Built Environment Electric Vehicles Internet of Everything Smart Cities Technology Wearable & Implantables Wireless

Fit and Forget & Many More Ways the World Is Changing #IDTechEx

Roads that generate electricity, solar-powered planes that stay up for weeks at a time and electricity storage that is a part of a structure are the types of things that Dr. Peter Harrop sees in the not-too-distant future.¹ Harrop, the Chairman of the Board of IDTechEx, brings a unique, informed and practical perspective to how […]

Autonomous Vehicles, New Mobility & the Built Environment CES2018 Internet of Everything Technology Telemedicine Virtual Reality Wearable & Implantables Wireless

The Consumer Experience Show #CES2018

For decades, the acronym CES stood for Consumer Electronics Show. A few years ago, in recognition of its expanded scope, the show organizers changed it from an acronym to simply a word, CES.  The meaning of CES continues to evolve and some of the descriptors that might be used to describe CES in 2018 include […]

Smart Home Technology Virtual Reality Wearable & Implantables Wireless

Smart Glass Technology – Bring People Together, Don’t Drive Them Apart

It is easy to dismiss Intel New Devices General Manager Dan Eisenhardt’s premise that by 2031, smart glasses will replace the hand-held smart devices that have become ubiquitous. Skeptics could bring up many potential barriers to adoption, including battery life, weight and style. There are those who were freed from the weight of glasses through the magic of surgery and the […]

Autonomous Vehicles, New Mobility & the Built Environment Wearable & Implantables

A Proposal for an Autonomous Vehicle Mobile Laboratory

Transforming stupid cars into smart cars is the endgame of the Mobile Autonomous Automobile Laboratory (MAAL) project. In his presentation, renowned car designer, Michael Robinson outlines plans for creating a platform that will enable vehicle designers to move from designing objects to designing experiences. The first 30 minutes of his presentation discuss the challenges that […]