The Korner Viodi View

2011 Reflections from Roger

Ken & Roger editing – Click to watch the video

The end of 2011 started with scanning as I began scanning old slides and looking at old video footage. The memories made me realized what a wonderful life I’ve had, and the great people I’ve enjoyed it with. Plus, I didn’t have to jump off a bridge to realize it.

The scanning gave me with warm feelings and another realization that I’ve had wonderful opportunities to participate in a history many only viewed. My wife has always been a part of this, and the old photo’s reminded me of that in a warm feeling I’ve enjoyed for days. I am fortunate that we had bought a good 35mm SLR camera back in the days. The quality of the scanned slides has been amazing so especially enjoyable. We’ve documented many events in our lives which include my art works and involvement in leading edge technologies so I’ve got lots of material to “broadband enable”.

Looking back I also realized this month had other significance. I had been lucky to work with leading edge technologies most of my career but 10 years ago something happened the would change how I participate in broadband trends. I was working with the most advanced TV over DSL technology in the world and traveling the country talking about it. Unknowingly I was participating in history being made while some of those communications turned up in a report. That resulted in a meeting that eventually became an unusual yet best business relationship I’ve had in my career.

So here I am, the last day of 2011, reflecting “way back” and to 10 years back. I have a beautify wife that loves me despite my shortcoming, and a business partner with equal acceptance, shared values, extreme willingness to experiment, and persistence to find solutions and succeed despite obstacles that would stop normal human beings. So now I reflected back to what got me here… perhaps the real story?

In the 70’s and 80’s I took lots of photos and viewed those 35mm photographs on paper and projector screens. In the early 90’s I captured analog video into a computer with a Video Spigot card at 8 frames per second and 180×120 resolution. Sixteen years ago I registered my first Internet domain and started putting content on the Internet. Ten years ago I was about to meet Ken Pyle and take things to another dimension with visual content, streaming video on HTML servers (prior to YouTube), generating ad revenue by streaming on-line then watching earlier streamers go down the tubes, managing major sites with a tool called WordPress, going high-definition with video (no more 180×120), producing programs for hotel TV channels, accepting YouTube (because I get ad revenue now), video journalism, producing documentaries and documonials, and having a really great time in 2011.

The end of this year started with intentions to say thank you to everyone that supported us throughout the year and over the past years. For that I do say thank you and happy new year from both Ken and myself. But I want to add a special thank you and happy new year to my wife, to Ken and his wife Jane, and to a couple special guys Charlie and Tom for many good times.

The people around us make life happy and successful through their support. That support comes in many forms from family, from industry relationships, and of course financials that keep the light going (creative and literally). I’ve enjoyed working with all of our supporters, as I know Ken has, and look forward to seeing you all and working with you again in 2012.

Best Wishes, and here’s a video to reminisce by.


Author Roger Bindl

By Roger Bindl

Roger is a principle with Bindl Productions and a partner with Viodi LLC in promoting and providing services in video content production, distribution, and ownership for small telco’s.

In his roles, Roger produces short video’s for ViodiTV, WYOU Madison, Wis-Kino monthly screenings, contract work, and various film projects like the 48 Hour Film Project, MN Historical Society, and regional film festivals. His background includes video in telecommunication equipment for transport, switching, routing, and integration with IP Television technologies.

Roger is active within the industries on committee, speaking, and writing about Telco TV, media development, multimedia software, and other video technologies. He has volunteered with, spoke for, and been published at Bits and PC's, Desktop Journal, NTCA, OPASTCO, RICA, IEC, SAM Publishing, USTA, and WSTA.

5 replies on “2011 Reflections from Roger”

Thanks Roger for the great video, the kind words and for reflecting on the fun stuff we have done together, as well as the what brought us together. You are like an uncle or is it older brother to my kids and you and Jacky have enriched their lives as well mine and Jane’s.

What is really cool about the video are looking back at some of the people who have touched our lives in a positive way and given us opportunities; obviously, this list isn’t comprehensive, as you have so much video content over the years that you could have added.

It’s sort of like a game to see who can be identified in these short clips. I see Rob Riordan, Phil Erli, Allen Hoopes, Mary Malloy, David Lewis among others. It’s also a nice collage of some of the places we have been over the years, including shots from Minneapolis, Austin and Seattle.

Thanks and Happy New Year!

I think video journalism will be popular for a very long time. More and more web sites make available video interviews and archived webcasts/speaches. Ken and Roger are doing a great job in this area. Congrats, kuddos and best wishes for 2012.

Alan J Weissberger
Manager of ComSoc Community web site and Viodi View contributing author

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