American Cable – 25 Years of Bridging Red and Blue #Summit25
“This is really a celebration of our members,” exclaims Matt Polka, as he summarizes the 2018 American Cable Association’s Summit 25 in the above video. Former Congressional representative Billy Tauzin and former FCC Chairman Reed Hundt – who might be characterized as early ACA opponents with their respective efforts in passing and then implementing the 1992 Cable Act – were two of the speakers at the Summit 25 dinner.
U.S. Small Business Administration: Government’s “Best Kept Secret” by Steve Pastorkovich #Summit25
Don’t be afraid to question underlying standard procedures.” This was part of the message delivered by Michael Hershey, Associate Administrator of the United States Small Business Administration during his address to the American Cable Association’s 25th Annual Summit in Washington, D.C. on March 21st. The message could apply to both federal regulators, as well as the small businesses that engage with them.
2018 Compensation Trends in the Broadband Industry #Summit25
The idea that compensation is more than just salary was a recurring idea in the presentation given by Hali Croner, Chief Executive Officer of The Croner Company. As software becomes a bigger part of their operations, MSOs are increasingly competing with traditional technology companies for talent. Croner talks about the advantages smaller operators have in competing against tech behemoths in this interview filmed at the ACA Summit.
JEDEC Forum: Artificial Intelligence/ML/DL & IT Requirements for Edge Computing by Alan Weissberger
Several new ideas, concepts and forecasts were made at JEDEC’s Mobile & IOT Forum on March 26, 2018 in Santa Clara, CA. Those related To Artificial Intelligence/ Machine Learning/ Deep Learning and New IT Requirements for Edge Computing are summarized in this article. In particular, three presentations are detailed while some thoughts on AI/ML for the intelligent IT edge are provided by this author.
- Making Sense of Artificial Intelligence – A Practical Guide
- Signs of Intelligent Life: AI Simplifies IoT
- A Distributed World – the New IT Requirements of Edge Computing
Shared Bikes & More Without Fixed Infrastructure
LimeBike’s VP of Marketing and Partnerships, Caen Contee made a prediction that LimeBike would grow by 300,000 bikes in the U.S. in just a quarter or two. Judging by this author’s February visit to Scottsdale, AZ and his use of LimeBike in San Jose, LimeBike seems well on the way to meeting its goal. Contee indicates dockless, bike-share provides better value than other forms of transport for short distances and suggests a $5 to $7 per mile savings compared to ride-share.
Some Tweets and Short Thoughts
- Preserve Net Neutrality: All Data Is Created Equal is the motion put forth by Intelligence Squared Debates in an Oxford-style debate a couple of weeks ago, which featured Mitchell Baker, Chairwoman, Mozilla Foundation & Mozilla Corporation and Tom Wheeler, Fellow, Harvard Kennedy School & Former Chairman, FCC in favor of the motion with Michael Katz, Professor, Berkeley & Former Chief Economist, FCC and Nick Gillespie, Editor in Chief, & against the motion.The precursor to the debate features comments from Newton Minnow, who famously called TV a vast wasteland in his inaugural speech as FCC Chairman in 1961. Check it out on YouTube or on Newsy.
- This re-invention of a 7-story parking garage, seen in this Curbed article, is the type of forward thinking that is necessary, if we are to move from housing cars to housing people.
- On the lighter side, @michalnaka “New startup ‘John Deere’ emerges out of stealth with launch of its dockless tractor scheme in San Diego.”
The Korner – Autonomous Shuttles = Improved Mobility & More
10 passengers and 11.5 miles per hour are the typical occupancy and speed of the public transit bus in the United States, according to Keolis’ EVP Market Innovation and Development, Andreas Mai.* With these statistics in mind, Mai points to the opportunity associated with autonomous technology to optimize bus size and frequency to meet actual demand.
Mai brings credibility to this argument, as 100 year-old Keolis provides fixed-route, shuttle, paratransit, taxi (Keolis owns Yellow Cab), back-end customer support and fleet and management services to private and public fleets around the world.
Stay tuned, as these Keolis-operated shuttles will soon be making their presence felt beyond the glitzy streets of downtown Las Vegas.