Viodi View – 04/17/19

Purple Ties that Bind #Summit26

Bob Gessner and his purple tie at ACA Connects Summit 26.
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“We are a collaborative, cooperative organization and our goal is to find the right policy and not the right politics,” says America’s Communications Association Chairman Bob Gessner at the ACA Connects Summit. He explains that the choice of purple accouterments was intentional and symbolizes the idea that broadband deployment should be non-partisan. He also talks of the importance of broadband to community and vice-versa, his impending retirement and the passing of the torch from analog Bob to distributed digital Katherine.

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Pai Talks Net Neutrality and Digital Divide; O’Rielly Addresses Overbuilding and LFAs at ACA Summit by Steve Pastorkovich

Matt Polka and Ajit Pai at ACA Connects Summit 26 (courtesy S. Pastorkovich)
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Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai and his colleague, Commissioner Michael O’Rielly, both addressed the recent 26th Annual ACA Summit in Washington, D.C. Both of their remarks celebrated the investment in, and deployment of, broadband infrastructure in rural areas by small providers. They also discussed how regulatory costs can fall upon small businesses in a disproportionate manner, and steps they have taken, and plan to take, to mitigate these burdens.

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A Wide Swath of Opportunities #Summit26

Mike OReilly speaking at the ACA Summit 26.
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“They have done the hard work….this is a wonderful association full of companies who have met consumer demand,” exclaimed FCC Commissioner Mike O’Rielly at ACA Connects Summit 26. O’Rielly was speaking of ACA Connects members and their construction of broadband networks in rural America. O’Rielly makes an impassioned defense of capitalism as the best way to create products and services that consumers want. He also briefly discusses the 6 GHz band (5925 to 7125 MHz) as an unlicensed complement to existing Wi-Fi.

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From Standards to Training & More #Summit26

Mark Dzuban of the SCTE talks about training and organizational mindset.
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SCTE-ISBE is unique in its dual role as standards body and technology training and information hub for telecommunications’ professionals. As a grassroots organization built by members at the chapter-level, it brings a bottom-up, practical approach to standards. Dzuban points out that SCTE’s role as a standard body keeps them at the forefront of the type of training that the telecommunications’ workforce will need.

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Electric Fleet Manager of the Future is a Familiar Name #CES2019

A collage of images from CES2019, with one of the images being a virtual reality demonstration from Ryder.
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Ryder showed off their fleet management prowess at CES2019. In this interview with Chris Nordh, Sr. Dir. of Advanced Vehicle Technology and Energy Products, discusses their relationship with electric van manufacturer Chanje, the recent purchase of 1,000 of those vans by Federal Express, as well as the future of autonomous shared people and parcel movement. Given the recent news that the California DMV is proposing a loosening of the rules for testing of autonomous vehicles for package delivery, that future may not be too far away.

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Eyes for the Darkness & Blinding Light for Autonomous Driving & More #CES2019

The demonstration of the FIR technology from AdaSKY at CES2019.
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Thermal imaging has been around for decades in various industrial and military applications, but could it be the extra sense that makes autonomous mobility machines safer than human-driven vehicles? AdaSky’s Sharon Fiss, Director of Sales Engineering, makes a convincing case that detecting thermal signatures and fusing with other sensor data will provide for a super-human vision and perception.

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Some Tweets and Short Thoughts

The Korner – More Than a One Hit Wonder #CES2019

We The People interviewed at CES2019.
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Are the crowd-sourced, funded projects of today similar to the so-called one-hit wonders of the popular music scene? It is easier than ever to turn an idea into a product and prove its viability by finding customers willing to finance its creation and production. But what happens after the initial product run that satisfies the backers, but doesn’t lead to more sales?

This is the problem that the founders of We The People (WTP) are aiming to solve with their new concept of a retail store. More than a retail store, they are creating a retail experience centered around innovative crowd-sourced products.

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Author Ken Pyle, Managing Editor





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