Viodi View – 01/20/21

A Digital Talent Multiplier

Hour one and its generative AI system that creates video from a simple text input.
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Did the statement, “I could just be here [CES2021] virtually,” jinx 2020? This statement, made last January at CES2020, was a comment on the realistic-looking video models created by HourOne’s Generative AI service. The creation of a digital twin is definitely an appealing alternative to the wear and tear of CES travel.

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Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence as Simple as Drag and Drop #CES2021

A screen shot from the Blaize AI Studio.
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Allowing a subject matter expert to directly create artificial intelligence applications that operate locally is what Blaize’s AI Studio promises.  To jump-start the process, Blaize has pre-packaged solutions, such as plant disease detection for agriculture, retail security, and human disease detection. The benefit is that their approach means faster app development measured in days, instead of months and without the need for special expertise.

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What’s the Vision for the Smart Driving Future?

An image of Olli, a prototypical next generation vehicle that takes advantage of the design freedom offered made possible with autonomous vehicle technology.
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Start with the end in mind, to parrot Stephen Covey, was a recurring theme of the inaugural panel of the 4th annual Smart Driving Car Summit. Led by moderator Jim Atkinson, CEO of Guinness Atkinson Asset Management, Inc., and the president of SmartETFs and the Guinness Atkinson Funds, the panelists repeatedly discussed an overarching vision that leads to better mobility that improves the quality of life for everyone.

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Where Are We on the Road to Safe Driving?

Crash avoidance features are helping drivers avoid crashing, according to IIHS data.
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The road to safe-driving is one with a destination that is always just out of reach. That’s one takeaway from the Smart Driving Car Summit panel featuring a panel of human factor and safety experts from Europe and America discussing existing and future solutions to make human-driven vehicles safer. The most important message from these esteemed experts, that regardless of the safety features of any new car, it is imperative that the driver remain fully engaged in the driving experience.

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From Space to Conrail to Selling at a Retail – More Episodes from the ViodiTV Conversation with a Godfather of Autonomous Mobility, Alain Kornhauser

That man on the moon is Dr. Alain Kornhauser reminiscing about his work on the Apollo 11 space mission.
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Complementing the Smart Driving Car Summit, segments of ViodiTV’s interview with Princeton professor, Dr. Alain Kornhauser continue to be released on a weekly basis. Kornhauser has had a wide-ranging career in mobility that started with rockets to the moon, laid the foundation for Conrail, and led to the founding of ALK Technologies, the inventor of the first turn-by-turn navigation system.

The Korner – Some CES Fun #

Although the virtual CES experience has some pluses, like removal of the friction of travel, it just isn’t the same as being there. Below, are a couple of fun stories from CES2020 and one from CES2021 about using tech to improve personal comfort.

The Pet Cushion #CES2020 (Viodi YouTube)

Qoobo provides comfort without the mess of a pet.
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A service animal can be comforting in times of turmoil. For those who can’t afford, take-care or be around a pet, the Qoobo robot from @yukaikk is an alternative. It’s only available in Japan today. Saaya Brierley gave us an overview of this pet-alternative at #CES2020.

The Potential for a Robot Pet as an Emotional Support Animal Alternative #CES2020 Viodi YouTube)

Groove-X's Lovot could someday take the place of Fido.
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Can a robot replace a beloved pet? Based on a brief interaction at CES02020 with Groove-X’s Lovat, the answer seems to be yes. Although limited to Japan at this point, early indications are that these can also prove therapeutic for seniors and people in hospitals.

The Face Mask That Connects the Ears & Mouth #CES2021

MaskFone from Binatone provides a new way to communicate while being masked.
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Binatone’s MaskFone protects and connects the mouth and ears. MaskFone adds 8-hours of audio playtime, convenient controls, and the added functionality of hand-free calls, without having to remove the mask. This is one face mask that I might wear even when it is no longer needed.

Author Ken Pyle, Managing Editor


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