Autonomous Vehicles, New Mobility & the Built Environment Cybersecurity Internet of Everything Networking Regulatory Technology Wireless

Resilient Positioning, Navigation, and Timing – Right Now

“Miss the beat, you lose the rhythm, And nothing falls into place” Van Halen, circa 1991, Right Now Van Halen’s insight about timing and seizing the moment in its song, Right Now, is a great metaphor for the current situation with PNT. As background, the most prevalent source of PNT, Positioning, Navigation, and Timing, is […]

Autonomous Vehicles, New Mobility & the Built Environment CES2019 Cybersecurity

AV Cybersecurity Collaboration #CES2019

Daniel Thunberg, Global Head of Connected Transport of Irdeto, and Danny Loeb, VP Alliances & Partners of SafeRide Technologies, talk about the process for security in this panel-like discussion at CES2019. A key message is that cybersecurity is a component of automobile safety and is something that industry cooperates on, instead of competes on. Further, […]

Autonomous Vehicles, New Mobility & the Built Environment CES2019 Cybersecurity

Detecting the Invisible Physical Attacks on Autonomous Driving #CES2019

While cyber attacks represent a potential Achilles heel for the success of autonomous vehicle software, spoofing and jamming via physical means could be another way for criminals to wreak havoc on the public. Enter Regulus Cyber, an Israeli-based company that is dedicated to ensuring GNSS (GPS) security from these external threats and researching how to […]

Autonomous Vehicles, New Mobility & the Built Environment Cybersecurity Internet of Everything Smart Cities Wireless

DSRC vs C-V2X and More – Spectrum Is the Goldmine

“Spectrum, really the airwaves, is the gold mine,” states Rajiv Mathur, Ph.D., Smart Transportation Programs Prospect Silicon Valley. Mathur was referring to an area of agreement between two competing technological approaches that allow vehicles to communicate with each other, with infrastructure and “things” and, conceivably, even pedestrians. The above interview recaps a 1/23/19, ProspectSV forum that […]

Autonomous Vehicles, New Mobility & the Built Environment Cybersecurity Internet of Everything Regulatory

DSRC or 5G?

Which radio technology will win the day in the autonomous vehicle future; DSRC (Dedicated Short Range Communications) or 5G (or 5GAA (PDF))? As Brian Daugherty, CTO of the Motor and Equipment Manufacturers Association (MEMA) suggests in the above interview, these different radio technologies are likely to be complementary, fulfilling different needs. An important premise is […]