Viodi View – 05/22/19

iTNAmerica makes the convince for the need for better mobility in rural and suburban America, particularly for senior citizens.
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From a one-of-a-kind reception to a beautiful venue centered around learning to a format not found in commercial conferences, the 3rd Annual SmartDrivingCars Summit is a conference like no other in the mobility space. What ultimately sets this event apart is Alain Kornhauser, his vision and the caliber and the variety of participants he brings together. The theme of this year’s conference was bringing mobility to the mobility disadvantaged and one takeaway is that, at some point, most of us will face a situation where our abilities don’t match the physical and built environment.

  • Viodi’s lengthy conference summary is here (PDF)
  • And an excellent summary by AI expert, Forbes Contributor, and Techbrium CEO, Dr. Lance Eliot, that reinforces a recurring SmartDrivingCars Summit theme that designers of mobility machines must, “Design for everyone at the get-go, it’s a handy mantra for automakers and tech firms toiling away on devising autonomous cars.”

Stay tuned for videos from this two+ day conference and, in the meantime, read Viodi’s conference summary here.

Better, Stronger, and Faster at ACA #Summit26

Some important statistics from WICT regarding the mix of college graduates are shown.
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“When you are more diverse and inclusive in your organization, you are going to be more profitable; you are going to have higher staff morale,” explains Maria Brennan, President and CEO of Women in Cable Telecommunications (WICT) at the ACA Connects Summit 26. She goes on to say that this becomes a competitive advantage in an economy with a tight labor market. A workforce reflective of the community it serves is also more likely to create products and provide services that its customers want.

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Is Lifecycle Services Orchestration (LSO) Ready for Large Scale Deployments & Where? by Alan Weissberger

The LSO prevents the telco titanic from crashing into the iceberg of challenges and opportunities!
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MEF is developing LSO (Lifecycle Services Orchestration) specifications in order to automate the entire lifecycle for services orchestrated across multiple provider networks and multiple technology domains within a single provider network. LSO is particularly important for industry growth because it will enable the creation of a worldwide ecosystem of connected networks that support orchestrated connectivity and NFV-based services. These services have the potential to dramatically reshape the industry landscape and fuel a whole new wave of productivity-enhancing innovations.

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AV Cybersecurity Collaboration #CES2019

Irdeto and SafeRide discuss the nuances of securing a connected vehicle and the associated opportunities.
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IPTV meets connected vehicles in this interview with Daniel Thunberg, Global Head of Connected Transport of Irdeto, and Danny Loeb, VP Alliances & Partners of SafeRide Technologies, where they talk about the process for security. A key message is that cybersecurity is a component of automobile safety and is something that industry should cooperate on, instead of using it as a competitive edge. Further, cybersecurity and the mindset of protecting the various electronic systems must be part of an AV company’s culture.

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Detecting the Invisible Physical Attacks on Autonomous Driving

Regulus provides a demonstration of their GPS threat detection technology.
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While cyber-attacks represent a potential Achilles heel for the success of autonomous vehicle software, spoofing and jamming via physical means could be another way for criminals to wreak havoc on the public. Enter Regulus Cyber, an Israeli-based company that is dedicated to ensuring GNSS (GPS) security from these external threats and researching how to prevent similar, so-called signal-in-space attacks on LiDAR and RADAR.

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Finding the Right Autonomous Delivery Vehicle Design

Ford's vehicle for testing driverless deliveries as seen at CES2019.
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Ford’s AV Associate Director of Operations, Joe Provenzano, discusses their real-world research, that is being conducted in Miami with Postmates, in the delivery of packages via simulated driverless vehicles. This research is helping determine the human factors that need to be considered in the development of their next-generation vehicles; vehicles which are slated for production in 2021.

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Some Tweets and Other Short Thoughts

The Korner – Connecting Loved Ones at #CES2019 & Beyond

Nelly Meunier describes her invention for connecting loved ones who would otherwise be shut-ins.
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Finding a way to connect to her bedridden grandmother in a far-off nursing home was the impetus for Nelly Meunier and her sibling to invent a new way of sharing photos and video with people who cannot navigate the smartphone paradigm. In this interview, Meunier, CEO, and Co-Founder of Sunday, demonstrates what is essentially a private social network.

The design of this network centers around accessibility. For instance, the remote control is designed for a delicate hand and has purpose-built buttons to make it easy to interact with the TV, as well as provide reactions to the person sharing the photos and video. For the person sharing their media, there is a Sunday smartphone app that makes it easy to select only those photos and videos she wants to share.

Although the Sunday service is direct to consumer, there is also an interesting B2B angle as assisted living facilities can use it as a value-add for both the private sharing network, but as another communications tool they can use for their residents.

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Author Ken Pyle, Managing Editor


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