Viodi View – 10/07/19

The evolution of autonomous mobility is depicted in this image.
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Although it once held great promise and prompted billions of dollars of investment, it could be said that the early exuberance of the potential for the Internet raced ahead of what was economically feasible and came crashing down at the turn of the century. It wasn’t until the widespread deployment of always-on, relatively high-speed broadband later in the first decade of this century that the Internet became the commercial success we know today. In many ways, the current state of mobility automation feels like those exciting early days of the now more mature Internet and it begs the question of what and when will be the tipping point where automated mobility crosses the adoption chasm?

Safety and People First On World Safety Automation Day

World Safety Summit on Autonomous Technology
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Although the moniker for the World Safety Summit On Autonomous Technology is a great descriptor of the conference held on October 2nd at Levi Stadium in the heart of Silicon Valley, the overarching theme was about people. Sure, there were autonomous vehicle technology stalwarts, like Intel, Nvidia, and Cruise (GM) and start-ups like Voyage, AutonomouStuff, and Local Motors, but even they emphasized the importance of putting people first and delivering an excellent mobility experience.

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Human Factors in Automation, DSRC vs. CV2X, Safety Leader & Market Leader – an Impromptu Mini-Panel

Alain Kornhauser and Diana Furchtgott-Roth discuss automated and connected mobility.
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An impromptu mini-panel blossoms in front of Viodi’s video camera at the World Safety Summit on Autonomous Technology, as Princeton’s Dr. Alain Kornhauser leads a discussion with Diana Furchtgott-Roth, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology for the U.S. Department of Transportation. As with all conferences, some of the best learnings and tidbits are discovered from the informal conversations in the hallways, like the one documented in our video. And it is always educational and entertaining when Alain Kornhauser is given the microphone. He leads the discussion on mobility automation levels, vehicle to vehicle (and bike, pedestrian, infrastructure, etc.) communications, safety considerations and implications for the roadways.

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Differentiation Through 10G

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10G isn’t so much about speed, but it is about improving multiple parameters, including latency, reliability, and security, explains Chris Lammers of CableLabs’. Lammers points out that 10G is a collection of technologies to expand the flexibility of the networks to move from peaks of 1 gig to 10 gigabits per second. And although the evolution includes a full-duplex, 10 Gigabit/second peak DOCSIS implementation, Lammers indicates that their work includes the fiber transport and fiber to the home implementations.

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[Promotion]Don’t Miss Broadband Forum’s BASe North America – Co-hosted with Calix ConneXions 2019!

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Hear from Google, Verizon, SK Broadband, City Fibre, Ericsson, VPS, F-Secure, Nokia, Calix, ADTRAN,
Casa Systems, Tibit, Axiros, and more…

With Calix ConneXions just weeks away, we wanted to make sure you are aware of a world-class event that will be happening on Saturday, October 26 at the opening of the ConneXions 2019 Conference. Broadband Forum will be hosting its Broadband Acceleration Seminar (BASe) North America from 10 am-5 pm in the Mouton room at the Wynn Resort, featuring an outstanding line-up of industry leaders and innovators from around the world (see latest agenda here (PDF). This event is included as part of the registration for all ConneXions registrants (sign-up for BASe here) and participants can drop in for any of the presentations even if they have other activities booked during the day.

Register here [/Promotion]

Access to Good Mobility Makes Real Estate Valuable

Olli at the SmartDrivingCar Summit.
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“People can’t get to the grocery store,” states Yina Moore, former Mayor of Princeton Township, New Jersey. Speaking at the 2019 SmartCarDriving Summit, Moore emphasizes that better mobility options are needed to improve the accessibility of the community. It might be said that transportation is in her blood, as her grandfather started a livery service that served the Princeton Township some 100 years ago. She talks about the relationship between housing and mobility and that access to good mobility options is what drives real estate value.

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Some Tweets and Short Thoughts

  • Yolkstation founder discusses the CEO in this interiew
    Watch the Interview about the #Solarcow

    Inspiring & creative @yolkstation #solarcow changes the economics of child labor & creates an incentive for parents to send children to school

  • @TomBamonte “Iowa snags the fourth @USDOT” (e.g. D. Furchtgott-Roth’s group, see interview above) Automated Driving System grant.” Lots of potential for safety improvements as 50% of the highway deaths are reportedly in rural areas as reported in this Daily Iowan article. It wouldn’t be surprising to see autonomous test vehicles roaming the service territory of Southslope Communications as the University of Iowa is one of the partners in this project titled the Automated Driving System for Rural America.
  • Geez, I wish I would have stepped outside of Levi Stadium at the #WorldSafetySummit then I could have seen GUSS (Global Unmanned Spray System) autonomous orchard sprayer that @gbrulte filmed in this brief video. This sort of development could be a boon for rural areas with labor shortages.

5 Years to the Automobility Tipping Point?

Slide from Siemens Digital Industries Software's Dr. Nick comparing a human's various subsystem to a modern vehicles.
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The tipping point from automobiles to automobility could happen within five years, predicts Lawrence D. Burns, PH.D., a consultant for Waymo and board member of truck platooning provider Peloton Technology. In short, when the customer value is greater than the market price which is greater than the supplier cost, we will see a tipping point towards autonomous transportation that, by calculations initiated by Burns when he was Director of the Program for Sustainable Mobility at Columbia University, could ultimately result in up to $4 Trillion per year in transportation savings (direct costs plus time cost) per year (from $1.50 per mile to $0.20/mile).

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Author Ken Pyle, Managing Editor


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